Category: 未分類 Page 2 of 3

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in powder milk and liquid milk.(2022)

We monitored powder milk and liquid milk products that are commercially distributed in the market this year as well.
The add-ups are below.
The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread.
If you single-click on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will get easy to see. 

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in urine. (2021)

We put the results of urine monitoring from January to December 2021 together. 
(N=31, We picked up only the first result of those who were monitored multiple times.)  
We totaled the results of people except 20 people whose results were N.D.

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in urine.(2020)

We put the results of urine monitoring from January to December 2020 together. 
(N=60, We picked up only the first result of those who were monitored multiple times.)  
We totaled the results of people except 18 people whose results were N.D.

Below are the results of radiation measurement.
Since the number of samples drastically decreased due to COVIT-19, we only
the distribution by radiation levels and regions.

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in powder milk.(2021)

We monitored powder milk products that are commercially distributed in the market this year as well.
The add-ups are below.
The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread.
If you single-click on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will get easy to see. 

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in milk.(2021)

We monitored milk product samples that are commercially distributed in the market this year as well.
The add-ups are below.
The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread.
If you single-click on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will get easy to see.

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in yogurt.(2021)

We monitored yogurt product samples that are commercially distributed in the market this year as well.
The add-ups are below.
The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread.
If you single-click on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will get easy to see.

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in urine.(2019)

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in urine (2018)

We put the resuts of monitoring urine from January to December 2018 together.
(N=269, We picked up the first result of those who had us monitor several times.
We totaled except 29 people of ND this time.
By tha way, when it’s supposed that all 29 persons are ZERO Bq/kg, the whole average will be 77mBq/kg

We made a list of results of measurement of milks. (2019)

We monitored milks which are commercially available this year.
The add-up of the results is below.

The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread. If you click once on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will be get easy to see.

Notice of relocation of our monitoring station

We would like to express our appreciation for your continued support to Shinjuku Yoyogi Citizen Monitoring Station.

We inform you that our monitoring station is relocating.

We are determined to making further efforts in order to be of help for you.
We would like you to know how grateful we are for your additional guidance and cooperation with us.

New address
Chuo 2-48-4 Nakano, Tokyo Ogura building 1F
NPO Shinjuku Yoyogi Citizen Monitoring Station (appellation not changed)

New telephone number
TEL: 03-6821-3877
FAX: 03-3362-4695

Expected opening date
We will open our monitoring station on February 7 Thursday.
We will operate our activities on the current residence until January 18 Friday.

We will deal with new requests of monitoring and new inquiries from January 25, with e-mail on an individual basis.
After our relocation, our activities are expected to fall into arrears, so it might take a longer time than usual to give you reports about results of measurements.
Thank you for your understanding.

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