Category: 未分類

We made a list of results of measurement of powder milks and fat-free milks. (2018)

We monitored powder milks and fat-free milks which are commercially available this year, too. The add-ups is below.

The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread. If you click once on the table of the results, images will be magnified and will be get easy to see.

Results of measurement of radioactive cesium in urine (2017)

The following is the adding up of our questionnaire
◇About whether they (elementary school pupil) drink milk or not

Average of questionees
◇About how to eat school-provided lunch

Average of questionees
◇About home-grown food (those who live in Fukushima prefecture)

Average of questionees
◇Breakdown of the replies of 27 people living in Fukushima prefecture who have low results of detection(0~40mBq/kg)

Results of measurement of urine before and after four rests and recreations in 2017

We conducted a measurement of urine after rest and recreation programs in which elementary school pupils participated. The charts below show comparisons of four rests and recreations carried out from July in 2017 to March in 2018.
The rest and recreation in July lasted for 17 days. Three other rests and recreations lasted for 8 days.

We made a list of results of measurement of milks. (2018)

We monitored milks which are commercially available this year. The add-up of the results is below.

The unit is mBq/kg. Please be careful not to misread. If you click once on the table of the results, images will be magnified and get easier to see.

Third round results of the inspection of the cesium concentration of tap water in Tokyo

Results of the inspection of the cesium concentration of tap water in Tokyo, the third round, 2018

Shinjuku Yoyogi Citizen Monitoring Station cooperates with the inspection of the cesium concentration of tap water conducted by Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center.

We adopt a method of monitoring ammonium phosphomolybdate that absorbs cesium from tap water and river water, with germanium semiconductor detectors.

We planned to do inspections three times in a year, and we have got the results of the third round, so we report them along with the first and second round results.

For more details, please refer to ‘Report of CNIC’.

About the ammonium phosphomolybdate method
Report of CNIC: Results of the inspection of the cesium concentration of tap water and river water
Article about the first round
Article about the second round
Article about the third round

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